15 May 2011

PurpleOblivion (update)

PurpleOblivion is my curрent setup.
I have used the new txt dock icons and minimalistic text with my favourite font (:
The icons are available in my dropbox!

1st screen:
 -toggle data
 -animated widget pro
 -minimalistic text without text (:
2nd screen:
-minimalistic text for everything
3rd screen:
 -minimalistic text
 -fancy widget pro
 -desktop visualizer
 -social icons by iKon moded by me
 -minimalistic text for clock, date, unread sms and missed calls (tutorial)
 -wallpaper is in my dropbox


  1. Beautiful! Just saw your screens at ultralinx forum. You've gained a fan!

  2. Thank you! I really appreciate it!

  3. How have you customised your lock screen like that though. Is the customised lock screen for rooted users only?

    P.S loving the set-up

  4. Hi Marcus, you can make your lockscreen with Widgetlocker lockscreen from the market. Then with widgetlocker you can use different skins for the slider. And other is alternative wallpaper and minimalistic text widget for date,clock and battery. I will post tutorial for "unread sms and missed calls count" with minimalistic text.

  5. Cheers TangOne, I'll have a play around with that. Hopefully I'll be able to create a nice Minimalist set-up like you have :D


  6. Love the icons, any way you can post them?

  7. Hi, now there is a link for the icons, in the post.


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